My weekend was absolutely surprisingly stellar.
Suzanne's father in law came in town with his young, no speaking English wife. I tried to speak Spanish with her all weekend. Danny cooked great food all weekend. Great food like grilled tuna and sauteed mushrooms. We enjoyed company and food with lots of wine!!!
On a rare occasion Lindsay was able to join us on Saturday evening. Suzanne knew of an event that we had to make our presence known. The Little People Association of America. That is right our big night out was at the Embassy hotel in San Marcos partying with Little People. I really think Suzanne was trying to set me up with the hottest little person there - Greg from Alabama. We sat at the bar for a bit socializing, then we went to the ballroom and danced our faces off. Have you ever danced the Macarena with about 50 little people children? We did and I would do it again. It was so much fun.
After an evening of Little People fun I continued with the randomness theme. I walked to a Southern Baptist church, specifically for black folk. I think I truly felt the spirit there. Their service is two hours long, but it seemed to fly by. I have never heard such moving music. These women in the choir could sing. I couldn't help but dance. I even witnessed people being baptised, in white robes. I have never seen or felt anything like this before. I cried and I prayed so hard. They have multiple preachers and ministers. The one that gave the sermon was an older white woman. Besides her I was the only white person there, so I thought that it was fitting that she spoke. Her main lesson was to be a hummingbird, not a buzzard.
Buzzards have long since been one of my spirit guides. But, she pointed out that they go for the dead and nasty things. Hummingbirds are light and go for the sweet stuff. "Be a hummingbird", she said. "Go for the sweet stuff".
Alright. Sweet stuff it is. I hung up my hummingbird feeder to remind myself to look for all the sweet stuff in my life.
I am here in San Marcos. I know I need to be here. No matter the outcome of my marriage, I have definitely learned a lot about love. I am happy today and I appreciate that.
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